Thursday, March 17, 2011

Classes for the Masses

Another Thursday, another day of sitting in class.

Today in "The Interbiblical Period" we are talking about 'Apocalyptic Literature.' Fun!

Here's a book I need to get: What's the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian by Martin Thielen. (this has absolutely nothing to do with apocalyptic literature, by the way.)

We had a second book review due today. Common Judaism - I didn't like it. Apparently I'm in the minority in class. Most everyone else liked this one a lot more than the first we reviewed. Not me. I liked the first one. I really did not like this one.

*update* - I know I didn't do an update for last week. I'll try to get it up tomorrow (along with this week).

*update* - Response to Jamie's comment - Good question. A fellow student in my first class mentioned the book. The author is a UMC pastor in Tennessee (about to move somewhere around Nashville, I think). The book came from a question by an atheist acquaintance. It looks interesting. The first part is "What Christians do not have to believe" the second part is "What Christians have to believe" (or something like that.)

*update* - Here's a link to the book above on Amazon.

*update* - Read this article. Interesting stuff -

*update* 12:50 pm - I just got out of Formation for Ministry. My 1:00 class is not meeting today, so now I have a 4 1/2 hour break. I have no idea what I am going to do with 4 1/2 hours...

Actually I know what I'm going to do with at least part of the time. I'm going to take a nap! First I have to do a little reading, then it's sleepy time! That's exciting.

Oh yeah, and lunch. I should have lunch at some point.

*update* 5:30 pm - Time to get back to class. Oh, it looks like we are getting our tests back tonight. Now, I'm nervous...

He's calling our names for us to come get our tests. The suspense is killing me. AAAHHH!!!!!

*update* 5:40 pm - Holy crap! I made a 99!!! Well, I had an 89, but he added 10 points (I'm guessing to everyone's test) and using my brilliant math skills, I know that is a 99!!! Add that to the 94 I made on my first paper and I'm kicking tail!!! WHAP!

*update* 6:05 pm - What?!?!? He just added another 5 points! I guess I have a 104. That gives me a 99 average for the semester so far. Wha????

*update* - 6:10 pm - Wow, it is really hot in this room. I'm either going to fall asleep or get sick. It's time for some air conditioning!!!

*update* - 6:36 pm - I'm reaching that point in the class where I stop listening because so many people are talking but saying so little.

1 comment:

  1. That does sound like an interesting book. My only question would be who made Mr. Thielen the authority on such a topic? But I'm sure the title is there to provoke a little and draw one in.

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