Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[insert witty title here]

I’ve been very lax in my writing of late. I’m not sure why. I just haven’t really felt motivated to write. I’ve got a list of topics…

For now, here’s what life looks like.

September 30th and October 1st, 2nd, 7th, & 8th. Mark these dates on your calendar. On each of those dates, the Center Stage Community Theater series presents Frankenstein at the Ritz Theater in Sheffield.

I play the role of Henry Clerval, an old friend of Victor Frankenstein. It is by far the largest role I have played in quite some time. I am excited and nervous and confident and insecure and looking forward to it and dreading it. All at the same time.

So far we’ve had a read through and blocked most, if not all, of Act 1. So far, I’m loving it. What I’m really dreading is learning the lines. I’ve forgotten the old tricks I used to know for learning lines. We’re supposed to be off book by next week, so I have to get busy. Repetition is the best tool. Who has some other methods?

This Wednesday at Edgemont UMC we begin our study of Adam Hamilton’s When Christians Get It Wrong. Dinner starts at 5:30 and our book study starts at 6:30. You can pick up a book in the church office for $11. This week will be an introductory session. We’ll cover chapter 1 next week. Everyone is welcome.

I’m sure you have, by now heard of Antoine Dodson. Today I found this video.

He has truly made it as a pop culture phenomenon. Congratulations Antoine!

By the way, it’s time for some football! College football kicks off it 2010 season later this week. I’m giddy with excitement! I guess that means it’s time to revive Scott’s Potentially Perfect Perhaps Perfectly Pathetic Pigskin Prognostications®. I guess I’ll do that Thursday.

In the meantime, I’ll make my annual pre-season prediction for my beloved Auburn Tigers. I’m looking forward to an improved team. A team that consistently plays like the Tigers of early in the 2009 season, not the Tigers of late 2009. The Good Guys finished a respectable, but still disappointing, 8-5 last season. I think we’ll see a gain of at least one win this season. I’m going with a prediction of 10-3 (9-3 regular season and a bowl win).

Let the football begin!


  1. Title: "Hide your kids, hide your Frankenstein..."
    Love love LOVE the marching band version!

  2. In your promo for the new Soul Food book discussion group you said, "When Christians Get it Wrong at EUMC." I think some re-wording is in order here. The BOOK DISCUSSION will be at EUMC. Christians get it wrong in LOTS of places...not just our church.

  3. That is hilarious, Nancy. I didn't even notice it. That WOULD be a weird discussion.



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