Thursday, August 26, 2010

End the Trend

We are a society of trends. If something proves successful,you can bet it will be imitated or repeated over and over again (and eventuallyparodied, the true measure of success). Eventually the general public tires ofthat particular trend, and the next phenomenon is born.

There are several trends currently tearing through thecountry that must be stopped. Today I begin my list of Trends that have morethan run their course (or that I just don’t like.) Let’s call it:


First and foremost is 3-D. This must end. Avatar (a mediocremovie see myreview here) made a billion dollars. Therefore every Hollywood producerdecided their movie needed to be made in 3-D. Or worse yet, transferred into3-D. Then came 3-D televisions, 3-D soccer, 3-D restraint menus! (OK, Iprobably made up that last one.) Am I the only person who does not like 3-D? IfI want 3-D entertainment, I’ll go see a play. If I want 3-D sports I’ll go to alive sporting event!

3-D – End the Trend!

Tattoos – I’ve made this rant before. I won’t repeat ithere. (Here’sa link.) It all started with little Greek letters on the ankle then graduatedto the “tramp stamp.” Now this trend is completely out of control. It’s to thepoint where I think my wife and I are the only people in America between theages of 18-40 who do not have tattoos. I don’t get it.

Tattoos – End the Trend!

Reality shows about little people – Little People, BigWorld. The Little Couple. Little Chocolatiers. The Pit Boss. I’m sure I’vemissed a few. Really? Is this all it takes to get on TV? Dwarfism? This isn’tconsidered exploitative? Why?

Little People shows – End the Trend!

90-degree days – In the words of Cole Porter, “It’s too darnhot!” We had about 3 weeks of a heat index of 110º+. This week is cooler, butstill in the 90s. Next week looks to be more of the same. It’s football seasonnow (as of tonight in Alabama). Let’s have some cooler weather. Tonight’s lowis supposed to be 61º. That’s a good start.

90º days – End the Trend!

That’s all I can think of at the moment. I’m sure I’ll addmore later. For now, let’s work on these 4.

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