Monday, August 23, 2010

On hold...

I'm sitting on hold with Sirius Satellite Radio. I've decided to type as I wait.

I called them a few months ago to cancel my service. Instead they offered 3 months free service. I accepted. Oops...they answered quicker than I thought.

Well that was quick. Usually when you hear the "We're experiencing higher than usual call volume" message, you know to expect a long wait. Today, not so much.

Today they offered 5 months for $20. It's usually about $15/month. I took the deal.

I finally saw Avatar last night. My opinion? Eh.

The movie reminded me of Beyonce. Both are beautiful to look at and have a lot to say. But as substance goes, eh... It's nothing that hasn't been said before and probably said more eloquently.

I thought the movie was predictable and a little too preachy. Also, I didn't expect quite as much of a hippie movie. I knew there were environmental themes, but the whole "energy of the land" and "we're all connected to all life" thing took it a little far.

Over all I'd say, good, not great. 3 1/2 out of 5. Very entertaining. Moving. Beautiful. Again, sort of like Beyonce.

Time for lunch!

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