Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Your Order...or not

I haven't shared junk mail in quite a while. (You can read those past entries here.) Maybe I'll do another soon. Or maybe not.

In the meantime, I had to share this one. I've received quite a few of these phishing expeditions lately. This one really made me laugh. Take a look at it. How many clues of inauthenticity do you see? Below the image I'll share the mistakes I see. Enjoy.

Mistake #1 - There are 2 different order numbers. The subject lists Order # D23-3175613-8867681. Then the body shows order #D67-4181620-1102230.

Mistake #2 - Every link in the email (Your Account, Learn More, Help Department, take you to the same bogus website. *Note - I did not click them. When you hover the pointer over the link MS Outlook will show you the URL. DO NOT CLICK LINKS IN THESE EMAILS!!!

Mistake #3 - The Math is atrocious! Apparently a subtotal of $46.99 gives you a 'total before tax' of $23.99. That plus $0.00 in tax equals $7.99. Oh, and the item ordered cost $54.99.

Mistake #4 - I don't have an Amazon account using my work email.

Mistake #5 - I don't order things from Amazon. Let me rephrase - I rarely order things from Amazon.

How many did you spot? Let this be a lesson. Phishers are not smart. It does not take an overly smart person to avoid them.

I hope this has been educational, informative, and, maybe, entertaining.

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