Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gussie Her Up! Gussie Her Up!

Every morning this week I’ve awoken to “Annie, Annie, Annie…” running through my head. I’m ready for that to stop. Two nights ago I even fell asleep listening to my iPod in an effort to drive the music out of my head. It didn’t work. Here’s the song I can’t get rid of…

Tonight is Opening Night for Annie! If you have not yet bought tickets, you should. It’s going to be a really good show (to quote Ed Sullivan.) The cast is great. (Especially President Roosevelt’s cabinet.)

Speaking of the cabinet scene that is one of the scenes in which you will see me. I play Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes. It is a really fun scene, and a fun character. I’m pretty much the grumpy-old-man of the cabinet.

That’s how I started out playing it. Then, today, I read this: “Known for a fiery temper and brusque style, Ickes was ‘the meanest man who ever sat in a Cabinet office in Washington,’ Horace Albright said, ‘and the best Secretary of the Interior we ever had.’” Doesn’t that sound like fun?

So, I say again, we open tonight at 7:30. If you are in or around the Shoals area this weekend, come see Annie at the Shoals Theater. The curtain goes up tonight, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30 and Sunday at 2:00. Tickets are $12 fro adults and $10 for students.

OK, that should be my last Annie announcement.

In other news, last week the Administrative Council at Edgemont UMC voted to change our Sunday schedule. Starting this week, July 18, Sunday School will start at 9:15 am (actually our class is going to start at 9:00) followed by one worship service at 10:30. This is a temporary schedule for the Summer.

I’m excited about the change. It gives us early service folks a chance to worship with the 11:15 folks. On a completely selfish note, it gives me a chance to sing and play for people I don't usually get to sing and play for. I think it will be a great 10-12 weeks!

One more thing: If you happen to need a band for any upcoming event/shindig let me know. (Especially if you need a band that knows lots of worship/Christian music.) FA4C is looking for some outside work. We'll work for free as long as you feed us.

OK, I’m off to meditate and mentally prepare for tonight…

No, not really. I’m just going to do some work and maybe go get a haircut.

I hope to see you at the Shoals Theater this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Enjoy the play! wish we didnt have so much going on we'd come c it. Had the 4 older kids this wk then tomoro to nr Atl to get 2 younger to keep for next wk.
    2. Waited a day or so to open thhis fearg that infection/virus threatthat happend before but ok
    3. Hope FA4C can get some gigs - good idea!
    Lookg forward to hearg u all Sun & hoping we can get some more singers/choir mbrs upfront!

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