Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The 'Annie' Finale

Congratulations to Eric. He was the first to correctly identify all of my 'characters' from Annie. They were (in order of appearance) Homeless Creeper Scott (AKA Man 4) in "Hooverville," Sailor Scott in "NYC," and Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes in "Cabinet Tomorrow" and "New Deal for Christmas."

I had a blast in the show. The Cabinet scene was lots of fun. My fellow cabinet members were amazing. Great acting, great singing, great comedy. SO. MUCH. FUN.

I have to admit that I almost lost it in that scene on the last performance. I kept a notebook that, in the world of Annie, held notes, facts, and figures relating to Presidential cabinet issues. In reality it held script pages (I did not use the script in the scene FYI). In the scene I used the notebook to jot notes and share figures with my fellow cabinet members. In reality I scribbled nonsense and doodled. Then shared those doodles with my fellow cast members in hopes of getting a giggle.

During our last performance I sketched a miniature ‘Harold Ickes’ as seen in the climactic moment of the scene: on his knees with jazz hands flying. I leaned over to share the doodle with the cabinet. And… well, here’s the script page. You can see what was added by the esteemed ‘Francis Perkins.’ (You may have to click it to enlarge to see the doodle.)

I really had a good time with the 'Hooverville' scene and 'NYC' also. I enjoy being in the background of large cast scenes like that. It allows me to do some fun stuff like eat stew out of my hat. One set of my shenanigans didn’t make the show.

During NYC, I walked on and off stage with a group of ‘Flapper Girls.’ Two nuns crossed opposite us as we crossed the stage. During rehearsals I, in succeeding passes, saluted them, checked them out, followed them, finally entering with them on the final entrance only to be snatched back by the flappers. Thanks to some rearranged blocking/choreography this bit of fun was left ‘on the cutting room floor,’ so to speak. Maybe we can get it onto the Special Edition DVD?

OK, here are some pictures of my characters from the show. There are more on my FaceBook page.

Here is ‘Homeless Creeper Scott.’

Here is ‘Sailor Scott.’ This is the only photo of my sailor suit that I could find.
A few shots from the Cabinet scene.
The cast of Annie.


  1. Sorry 'bout that whole "kicking in the hoho's" addition to your doodling. ~~Francis Perkins

  2. Can hardly wait to see you in your next production.



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