Friday, April 2, 2010

Can't believe all that you read.

Yes, yesterday’s post was a poorly conceived April Fool’s joke.

I did not have a stalker. That’s ridiculous. Just complete silliness.

There was a little truth to the post, though. I have taken the blog public again. No more clunky sign-in process. It’s back to business as usual, with a few exceptions.

I’m going to cut out the Facebook notifications. For now I will stick to Twitter and email notifications of new entries. I’m going to stop after a few days sending my email notifications. Feedburner is working now that I removed the privacy curtain. You can sign up for Feedburner notifications at the top of the page.

I’m excited about today. Why? Well, let’s do a list.

  1. It’s Good Friday, which is not all that exciting in and of itself. But Good Friday brings the promise of Easter! Edgemont UMC in Florence is doing a Stations of the Cross style prayer vigil. The sanctuary is open all day and everyone is welcome to come and pray. Stay as long as you like.
  2. I’m off today. Well, actually I’m at work right now, but only for a few more minutes. Then I’m off for the rest of the day. Which is good, because I really need a shower.
  3. I’m going to eat lunch with two old friends. I’ve written before about losing touch with old friends. Today I plan to reverse that course. I’ve taken stabs at reconnecting before, but this time the connection will last.
  4. I’M TAKING OFF TODAY!!!! Fridays are my absolute least favorite day at the office. Today, I’ll escape.
  5. (Added later) When I got home I made some trail mix. Almonds (that I roasted myself then chopped in the Magic Bullet) and some dried berries from Sam's. Ecellent stuff. The Magic Bullet FTW!

That’s it. I’m done.

Have a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were going to come to prayer breakfast this morning when you pulled in to the church. Hope I didn't dis you!

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