Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All I want for...

I’m sure there is some explanation, but I have yet to find it. I’ll keep looking, but this is unfamiliar territory. It may take a while. For what I think is the first time in my 36 years, or at least the first time since 1976, I have no idea what I want for Christmas.

My sister keeps asking. I tell her I don’t know. My mom asks. I tell her I don’t know. My wife asks. I tell her I don’t know. It’s the truth. For the first time in decades, there is nothing I really want for Christmas.

I’ve always had something I wanted. Even last year I knew I wanted a new guitar, which is too expensive for a Christmas gift. So I asked for money toward a new guitar. This year, I’ve got nothing. Not even a flicker of an idea.

I’m going to place at least part of the blame on 3 institutions: the SEC, Auburn University, and the Outback Bowl committee. I was all set to ask for bowl tickets this year. I figured Auburn was inline for a trip to either Memphis for the Liberty Bowl or, better yet, Nashville for the Music City Bowl. Instead they are bound for Tampa. Tampa is too far to drive. There went that plan.

It’s not completely accurate to say there is nothing I want for Christmas. There are things I’d like to see under the tree. I’d love to have my own laptop. I’d really like to get a new HDTV for the bedroom. Both of those things are too expensive. I guess it’s more precise to say there is nothing practical that I want for Christmas.

I think this is a good thing. I think. I guess I am content with my material possessions. Well, mostly. It reminds me of a Glen Phillips song. (Go figure.) I think I’ll quote it here for your enjoyment.

Don’t Need Anything – Glen Phillips

I've got gardens growing, got quiet days
Clothes on my back, food on my plate
Got friends to help me if I call for them
I don't need anything that I don't have

I've got eyes to see this beautiful land
And feet to take me where I want to stand
If there's work to be done
There's these two strong hands
I don't need anything that I don't have
I don't need anything that I don't have

Some years the rains don't come
And some years floods clear out the plains
If those waters washed this town away
I would still have enough
If she was with me

I've a roof overhead, the stars if I choose
But I've got no itch to fly, got no need to move
Got almost nothing
But I understand
That I don't need anything that I don't have
© 2005

I think that sums up my feelings this Christmas season. Well, I hope it sums up my feelings.

“I don’t need anything that I don’t have.” Except maybe an all expenses paid trip to Tampa including tickets to the Outback Bowl. But that’s all. I don’t need anything else. Except this ashtray. But that’s all: an all expenses paid trip to Tampa including tickets to the Outback Bowl and this ashtray. Oh, and this paddle game. And that’s all I need.

And maybe a new guitar. But that’s all, I swear!

Actually, I know what I want. Peace. I don’t necessarily mean “World Peace.” I mean personal peace. I need life to settle down a little. Less stress. Less anxiety. I’m not going into specifics, but that’s what I need. Peace.

How about you? What’s on your Christmas list this year?

*EDIT* - Heath Mixon just reminded me that Glen Phillips is going to be in Birmingham in February. Now that's a gift idea! You hear that, Ashley?


  1. Scott... tell them ALL you want a flock of something from Heifer International. You can get a sheep, cows, ducks. bees.. anything. It is really cool, and lets face it.. it feels so good to give.



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