Friday, November 20, 2009

P7 - VI

I’m going to try to get a story up next week. It’s a short week, though, so who knows. It’s Friday, and that means time to pick some football games.

Last week I finished 5-2, which brings my season total to 21-13. I’m beginning to wonder if I should stop while I’m ahead. I’m also beginning to wish I were a gambler.

Next week is Iron Bowl week. I’m getting pretty excited. I’ve been picking against Auburn and Alabama all season (with really good results) so next week will be a challenge. There’s only one problem. It looks like I’m going to miss the game. We’re going to Gatlinburg Thursday-Saturday. The game is Friday afternoon. Family vs. Football. It could get ugly.

Chattanooga @ Alabama (-) – Since this is a 1-A team vs. a 1-AA team I can’t find a point spread. I found several spreads on SEC vs. FCS games a couple of weeks ago, but now I can’t find anything. So, I guess I’ll just pick a winner. Alabama gets many points early and tries to avoid injuries as they prepare for the next 2 weeks. Alabama.

Florida International @ Florida (-45) – This game will likely look much like the Chattanooga/Bama game. Many points and then many back-ups. The spread gives me pause, though. Urban Meyer likes to score points. Urban Meyer has 2 important games left and needs everyone healthy. 45 points, that’s huge. I think Florida calls off the dogs early, but still scores a ton of points. I just don’t think they’ll win by 6 ½ touchdowns. FIU.

Vanderbilt @ Tennessee (-17) – Another troubling game. Tennessee had played several weeks of good football before last week’s train wreck in Oxford. (For the non-sports fans, there was not an actual train wreck. Just an ugly, ugly football game.) Vandy, while not winning much, seems to improve a little each week. I don’t think the ‘Dores can win in Knoxville. I also don’t think the Vols can win by 17. Vanderbilt.

Mississippi State @ Arkansas (-11) – MSU is coming off of a severe spanking last week. They are either pissed or broken. Arkansas may be showing some signs of what is to come under Bobby Petrino. The Bulldogs need to win their next 2 to have any chance at a bowl game. After this week, they’ll have no chance. I don’t think Dan Mullen can get his guys to rally on the road. I think the Hogs will run wild. Arkansas.

Kentucky @ Georgia (-9.5) – Kentucky is still hurting, but they are coming into Athens with a two game winning streak. Georgia played their best game of the season last week in an emotional win over the Auburn Tigers. The question here is which Georgia team will show up this week? The fired up, never-say-die Bulldogs of last week? Or the lackadaisical puppies that have played most of the rest of the season? Also, let’s not forget the huge loss Georgia suffered this week. Uga VII died early Thursday. I think the Bulldogs win, but I think the Wildcats will do just enough to keep it close. Kentucky.

LSU @ Ole Miss (-4.5) – This is the game of the week in the SEC. And by “Game of the Week” I mean the only decent game on the schedule. When I first saw this I couldn’t believe the Rebels were picked to win. A couple of weeks ago they seemed on the brink of disaster. Their season had virtually fallen apart. From pre-season #6 to 2-3 in the SEC, but they seem to have rebounded in the last couple of weeks. LSU is coming off of a much-too-close win over LaTech. They will get Jordan Jefferson back this week, but will he be enough? The biggest question is this: Can the Tigers’ defense stop Dexter McCluster? This game is especially difficult for me to pick because it is a face off between two coaches I don’t care for. Les Miles is either the stupidest coach in all of college football or he is a genius beyond comprehension. Houston Nutt is an egomaniac whose facial expressions and gesticulations could probably win him a Tony if he were on Broadway. He’s not. He’s on the sidelines of a football field. So, which is more likely, that Houston can overact his Rebels to victory or that Les will idiot-savant his team to a win? I’m going to go with Les, just because I dislike him the least and because his history allowed me to use “idiot savant” as a verb. LSU.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. If you’re bored and need something to do, I know a yard full of leaves that could use a good raking.

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