Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It’s been a while since I’ve done a real update on life the universe and everything. So let’s do that. I promise I will not talk about sports or politics. Well, not much.

I spent yesterday at home with a sick kid. I’ve been trying to take a day off for several weeks. Yesterday became that day. The problem is that I wanted to take a day to myself and spend some time writing. A sick 8 year-old will disallow any attempt at alone time.

I did get to watch Once yesterday. Wonderful movie. If you haven’t seen it, you should, especially if you like singer-songwriter type music. I gave it 4 of 5 stars on the Netflix rating system. The only negative: it made me feel completely inadequate as a songwriter. Then again, I’ve never felt completely adequate as a songwriter.

I wonder if they make a pill for self-esteem? If not, AstraZeneca should get to work on one. I’ve decided living as a pompous, arrogant jerk would be much easier. For one thing I wouldn’t stress about being wrong. Because I would know that I am always right. Writing would be easy, because everything I wrote would be awesome. I wouldn’t worry about pleasing people because everyone would like me just because I am me. At least I would believe all of those things. And that in itself would make life easier.

Last night I dreamed we were moving back to Paducah. I never really knew why. I just knew we were moving. In the dream, we were in Paducah. I’m not sure if we’d moved back or if we were there to find a house. I seemed pretty happy with the idea of moving back. Weird dream.

Tonight is our last session of the Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White book study. I’ve really enjoyed the book and the discussions.

We’re going to Gatlinburg next weekend. I’m really looking forward to it. But I’m going to miss the Iron Bowl (sorry, it’s sports). I think I’ll try to watch the second half. Or I may just TiVo it and watch when we get home. I haven’t decided.

Have a good week.

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