Monday, October 12, 2009

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice

Friday’s post is a good example of why I do not predict football games as a career. Auburn was a let down, but not completely unexpected. I’m sticking with my 8-4 (maybe 9-3) prediction from a few weeks ago. That means we have to beat UK this week and win just one of our last 4 SEC games (LSU, Ole Miss, UGA, or Bama) throw in a gimme win against Furman and you’ve got 8 wins. 8-4 is not great, but it’ll do for this year. I’m actually leaning more toward 9-3 now. I think we win 3 of our last 5 SEC games.

Maybe I’ll bring back “Scott’s Potentially Perfect Perhaps Perfectly Pathetic Pigskin Prognostications” later this week. I don’t remember my record from last year, but it was truly pathetic. I think I’ll shorten the title. Maybe I’ll call it P7.

Today is one of the two most useless days on the calendar. Columbus Day. Really? This is a holiday? Post office – closed. Bank – closed. State agencies – closed. JC Penny – having a sale. Some schools are out. This is crazy. I feel the same way about President’s Day. Pointless. I say if we can’t all get a day off, then no one gets a day off. Let’s just pick 6-8 holidays that everyone takes. Retail stores included.

I propose the following in chronological order: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (2 days), and Christmas (2 days). I wanted to add MLK’s Birthday also, but it’s too close to New Year’s, so let’s take April 4th as a holiday to honor his life. That’s seven holidays. A total of 9 days off (8 during the school year). Who’s with me?

Tomorrow I’ll have a recap of my weekend in Birmingham. In the meantime, here’s a preview:

Actually, before I do that, someone tell me where the phrase “in the meantime” originated. What does it mean? From it’s usage I understand it to connote, “in the in between time.” But how did the word “mean” enter the picture?

I thought, maybe it’s the mathematical term. Mode, median, mean. But in that case median would be the proper term. Unless we are saying, “In the average time.” If we were to use one of those phrases we would properly say, “In the median time.”

Maybe it refers to cruelty. “In the cruel time?” That could work in some instances, but not typically.

Just something to ponder.

OK, on to the preview: Some highlights of tomorrow’s recap – tornado warnings, Heath Mixon, Owen, huge potatoes, gay smorgasbord (actually, I don’t think I’ll include that), Glee, standing, sitting, pacing, waiting, karaoke, underage drinking, a preemie, and Charlie. Sounds fun, no?

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