Friday, October 23, 2009

Email sign-up

Hello, loyal readers and passersby (and disloyal readers, as well). Just a quick housekeeping item or two. I've been posting a link on Facebook (usually more than once), Twitter, and my old LJ when I update this here blog. That is getting annoying. I think I'm soon going to cut out that cross-linking.

But don't fret, there is an easy way to stay up to date on the blog. You can sign up for email updates. Once you subscribe, you will get an email every time I update. There is a little bit of a delay, but not much of one. You can sign up for email updates by clicking here.

I guess that's all. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy this stuff as much as I enjoy writing it.

Oh, and don't be afraid to leave feedback. I like comments. Even if they're negative. I'm sensative, but I get over it quickly.

Have a great weekend!

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