Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boys Don't Cry

188. I’ve hit a plateau.

I’ve been on an 80s music kick lately. I’m listening to “80s on 8” and “First Wave” (80s Alternative) on Sirius. Last Thursday I sat for 2 hours and watched “The 100 best songs of the 80s” on VH1. I love that stuff.

Friday night I watched Cabaret on Netflix. I really love that they stream movies now. Good stuff. I’ve had this thought for a while, and after watching Cabaret, I think it even more: I’m a little scared by how much I like Liza Minnelli. For a long time I didn’t like her at all. Now I really do. I still hate Barabara Streisand, though, and I’m pretty neutral concerning Judy Garland. So, no worries.

FYI, I still have not had “The Talk” with my son. Looks like it will have to be sooner than later though. Time to man up.

I’m going to take a blog break for a while. Maybe a week, maybe two.

I’ve decided to compile a lot of my stories and other types of blogginess into a book to give to my Mom and Dad for Christmas. After I break for a couple of weeks, I’ll start writing feverishly. I plan to use a lot of what I’ve already written. I also have a list of several stories I want to include. I guess it will be a “My Life So Far” sort of thing.

In the meantime (there’s that phrase again), I’ll keep picking football games. By the way, I was 3-3 last week. That brings me to 7-5 for the season. Still a winning record. We’ll see if that gets better or worse in the coming weeks. I know one thing. I’m picking against Auburn until they prove me wrong. And I’m picking against Bama until they prove me wrong. I’ll have football picks later this week. I hope you enjoy reading them. If not, well, at least I enjoy writing them.

I may throw up a couple of “How’s life going” posts over that span, also. I guess that depends on how life is going.

Next week I plan to do a big political post (well sort of political). It will be related to the book study I’m doing on Wednesday nights. It’s a topic I’ve had on my list to write about for a long time, next week’s chapter should inspire me to finally put pen to paper (well actually, fingers to keys, but that’s not how the saying goes.)

For now, life is good. But not without dilemma. Mine is this:

I feel like I’m at a crossroads in life. Maybe it’s an early mid-life crisis. I’ve never been one to look 5-10 years down the road and think, “That’s where I want to be.” I’m wondering now if I should be that kind of person.

I’m 35 years old and feel like I still haven’t decided what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe I’m doing what I should and need to be doing. Maybe I’m not.

Lately I’ve been wondering, “What would I do if I lost my job tomorrow?” (No specific reason for the question just the general economic situation, I guess.) I have yet to come up with an answer. I have a degree in Communications with an emphasis on Radio, TV, and Film that I’ve never really used. My work experience is in electrical construction and youth ministry, and I never felt particularly good at either. I really enjoy writing, singing, writing songs, and acting. Again, I’ve never felt particularly good at any of them. And God knows those aren’t the best career tracks for a married 35 year-old with 2 kids.

OK, now I’m whining. That’s enough.

Life is good… even for an Auburn fan.

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