Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm ramblin'..... ramblin' ramblin' ramblin'

189. Still. Frick!!

For some reason I have a desire to write something today. Yet I have nothing meaningful to say. I could tell a story, but I’m not in the mood. I could make fun of Junk Mail, but I don’t feel funny today. I could whine about the health care debate or some other political condition, but no. I think I’ll just go with a stream of consciousness kind of thing. I’ll just write whatever pops into my head. Then I’ll go back and erase half of it and post the other half. Fun!

I have a tremendous headache right now. I’m hoping the caffeine in the Diet Coke I’m drinking will help. The jury is still out so far. Now that I think about it this maybe the first caffeine I’ve had all day. Maybe that’s why I have a headache. I’m going to go ahead and blame the pick-up line at my daughter’s school. Usually she rides home with my sister-in-law. Today, though, my niece got sick and had to go home early. That left me to pick up the girl. This is the first time I’ve picked her up this year. I think the traffic is worse than last year. God, I hate that place. It’s pizza night. Every Thursday I stop on the way home and pick up a pizza for dinner. That could explain why I’m not losing weight. It’s not bad, though. I get a one topping pizza for $6.50 after tax. After the pizza, it’s off to band practice. Good times. It looks like we have 3 shows lined up over the next few weeks. Next Tuesday we are playing at the Wesley Foundation at UNA. We will be leading worship for them. Then on August 30th it looks like we are playing at Big Ed’s, a restaurant in East Florence (at Florence’s version of Malfunction Junction; where Huntsville Rd meets Royal Ave.) Then the next week we’ve been invited to play at Merrill Gardens. That last one needs some explanation. Merrill Gardens is an assisted living facility. My grandmother lives there. She started asking me about 2 years ago to come play out there. Finally, this week, the activities director and I spoke and set up a date. We’re playing for the old folks September 8th. That should be fun. I think I’m most excited about playing at Big Ed’s. No, that’s not true, I’m most excited about playing for my grandmother. She’s never heard me sing, as far as I know. She came to the contemporary service at St. James once when I was playing guitar, but I didn’t sing there. So, I’m excited that she will get to hear me sing. Now we just have to figure out how to tone it down a little. I don’t think the assisted living crowd is ready for our full-on rock ‘n’ roll worship music. The headache is still not really going away. Last night I rethought my position on my favorite day of the week. For many years now Thursday has been my favorite day. Now I’m leaning toward Wednesday. I have a few reasons. 1) I enjoy Soul Food. Laura Senecal can cook. After that, the conversation is pretty good, too. 2) Michael and Michael Have Issues – This is one funny show. It is not for the thin-skinned. You have to check your sensitivity at the door, but it’s funny as crap. Oh, and it comes on at 9:30 (central time) Wednesday nights on Comedy Central. 3) Wednesday is the breaking point for the week. At the start of the day the majority of the week still lies ahead. Then, some time around mid-day, the week just got vastly shorter! Suddenly tomorrow is Thursday, the day before Friday. You can practically smell the weekend! And the anticipation of the weekend is always better that the actual weekend. For me anyway. That’s why I love Thursdays. On Thursday the week is almost over. I can sense the freedom that 5:00 Friday afternoon will bring. Then the weekend is full of grocery trips, lawn mowing, kids fighting, dog washing, etc. Which, actually, are not bad things. Except maybe the fighting kids. Even though, sometimes that can be really hilarious. Speaking of kids, I’m tired of adolescent male hormones. These mood swings are killing me. Bad part is, I still have female adolescent hormones to come. I’ve been putting off (because that’s what I do) something. I have yet to have “the talk” with my son. He’s 12. He’s in 7th grade. We had sex education in 7th grade science. I need to do an entry on this by itself. Last weekend I watched Mamma Mia! (don’t judge me.) Not great. Before I watched it I asked my daughter is she wanted to watch. She said no. Her reason? “It’s PG-13 for bad language.” I looked it up. I told her, “It’s not for language.” “Then why is it PG-13?” “For sex-related comments.” “Ewww!” I asked why she responded that way. “Because of that word.” “Sex?” “Yes.” “What’s wrong with the word sex?” “It’s icky!” Uh oh. She’s 8. What could she know to make the word “icky”? Why do kids have to get older?

OK, I’m done. Thursday is almost over (the work portion anyway). Time for Pizza Night!

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