Monday, July 13, 2009

What's Cookin' Hot Stuff

191. Well, I guess that’s progress.

I’m cooking now. I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that I am now the primary food shopper/preparer at home. Misty does not like cooking. Actually I guess it’s the whole shopping, cooking, cleaning up process that she dislikes. She claims to be no good as a cook. I STRONGLY disagree. I’m pretty sure I could cook something the same way she does, have it taste exactly the same, and she would love it. She just does not like her own cooking, but I digress.

Several weeks ago I took over grocery shopping duties. A few weeks ago, Misty asked if I would do the cooking also. Now I pick the meals, shop for the groceries, and cook the meals. It’s going alright so far.

For the most part I’ve been making what I call “cop-out” meals. Sloppy Joes, turkey burgers, heat-n-eat BBQ. Stuff that takes little to no time to make, and even less skill. Open a can, pat out a patty, or nuke a bag full of meat. Viola! We’re done time to eat. That’s not all I’ve done, but that’s been the bulk of my cooking.

This week I’ll do a little more cooking. Last night it was baked chicken and twice baked potatoes. Tonight it’s Easy Low Fat (Crock Pot) Lasange (sic). We’ve got grilled chicken and pork chops to finish out the week. Like I said a little more cooking.

OK, here’s my plea. I need some recipes. I have criteria, though. I’m looking for easy stuff. I get home around 5:00-5:15, and the family is hungry. Here’s a not-so-well-kept secret about the Coats clan. When we get hungry we get crabby! Seriously cantankerous. So I need stuff that’s pretty quick to the table. I’m trying hard to get things done and ready by 6:00. After that, one cross word and it’s Nuclear Meltdown on Ingleside Ave!

I’m looking for simple ingredients, too. I like to eat. I like food. I don’t, however, like fancy food. I’ve tried eating at high-end restaurants. I don’t like them. Aside from the over-whelming feeling of being completely out of place, I just don’t like the food.

What’s more, my body doesn’t like it either. I don’t know if it’s the richness or the unusual ingredients, but my digestive tract and 5-star cuisine stand at odds. Which usually means I can’t stand at all.

I tried to eat at the 360 Grille atop the Renaissance Tower (or as an old friend once called it, The Shoals Phallus). The food was OK. Actually, I’m sure it was wonderful. In fact I think most everyone in our party said so. I didn’t care for it, any of it. I did like desert: Vanilla Bean Crème Brule. I didn’t sleep much that night.

We are a simple family with simple tastes. You can have your Duck L’orange. I’ll take grilled chicken.


  1. Tilapia. It's easy, and one of the better things I cook. Crush up crackers or use breadcrumbs (comes in a can), and pick some spices (or not). Squeeze lemon on the fish, dip it in the crackers or breadcrumbs, and cook. It's quick, easy, and delicious.

  2. Tilapia is good, or Orange Roughy, or Sea Bass... you can chop up some garlic and pour a little melted butter, garlic, salt and pepper on it and broil it.

    And with it, Jamie and I really fond couscous (much better for you than rice), can't remember the brand name, but we buy a garlic flavored one, all you really have to do is get some water boiling and then pour it in and let it sit for 5 minutes.

    And then we do roasted Brussel Sprouts (seriously...if you've only had Brussels in loads and loads of butter tha are overly soft, try this...)


    1 1/2 pounds fresh brussel sprouts

    3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

    1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon dried sage

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the bottom of each brussel sprout off (about 1/4" or less) and then slice in half lengthwise. Toss all ingredients and place in a single layer on a baking dish. Roast for 25 minutes or until brussel sprouts are slightly browned and tender throughout. Toss once, half-way through cooking. Serve hot or cold.

  3. Does your family like mexican? how bout spaghetti? Or fish? what about pot pie? I've got some up my sleeve. I am still waiting on Misty's phone call to come over there and show her my spaghetti sauce tricks..


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