Thursday, July 9, 2009

My week is done!

192. I actually took a walk last night. I think that’s as close as I’ll get to actual exercise for a while. You’ll see a number at the beginning of these entries for the next few months. That’s my weight. Just another gesture in my effort to be more open and honest. Of course, if it doesn’t get better quickly, I’ll stop putting it on there.

We’re getting ready to leave for our vacation. And by leave, I mean leave work and pack. And by vacation I mean one night in at the local Marriott. It’s our annual Summer Staycation! We did the same thing last year. It’s partly an economics thing and partly a time thing.

Either way, the kids love it. We don’t have to drive for hours. The hotel has an amazing pool. Wherever we vacation, the kids always want to spend most of our time swimming in the pool. This way we’re not missing out on the beach, sightseeing, etc. The whole reason we’re there is the pool. They are excited.

I’m pretty excited, too. Especially about showing off my new summer bod! Oh yeah. For those of you in the southeastern US, the lightning you see (saw) around 2 pm CDT Thursday is (was) not lightning at all. That’s around the time I’ll take off my shirt at the pool, and it’s a really sunny day. Hopefully it will only be a quick flash of blinding whiteness before the region’s eyes adjust.

I realized recently that I hardly ever write about my mom. I’ve written quite a bit about my dad, but not so much about my mom. I’ll have to remember some good stories and share them in the next few weeks.

My mom and dad just returned from a trip to Reno and Lake Tahoe. She bought me some art while they were gone. Here's a scan of it.

Click the image to see a larger version.

My friend (and pastor) Eric introduced me to Story People a few years ago. I really like this one. You can see more at the Story People website.

Well, I’m off to pack and eat lunch. Enjoy the rest of your week!

1 comment:

  1. Love Brian Andreas' stuff. Bet he'd be interesting to meet - and maybe kind of weird. ;-p

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