Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Rambling Rant

The air conditioner is fixed. Yay!

Apparently I need to start taking my medication again. I can’t get anything done. I have a list of 20 different things to write about, but I’m having no luck getting pen to paper. Well, fingers to keys, in this case. I’ll just go ahead and warn you, this post will suck. Worse than usual.

I’m getting fed up with Face Book. The whole concept is getting under my skin lately. In response I will rant for 7-8 paragraphs about things I do not understand.

First things first. I do not care which Disney Princess you are. I could not care less (please note the correct usage of that phrase; “could NOT care less”) which Harry Potter house you’ve been sorted into. I don’t care “how gay you are.” Actually, I take that back. I like that one. (I’m 65% gay, by the way.) I don’t need to know how “Alabama” you are. I don’t care what eggs you’ve collected. Or that you have hearts. Or how many ghosts you trapped.

Some of them are interesting. Some of them are funny. None of them are accurate. But seriously, 6 quizzes in 5 minutes? Come on!

And, no, I do not want to be a “Fan” of God on Face Book. Or of Jesus. Or the Bible. Or traditional marriage. Or swimming. What exactly doe sit accomplish for me to add myself as a fan of God on Face Book? Does it make God love me more? I don’t think so.

Who are these people who keep adding me as a friend? Just because we went to high school together does not make us friends. What’s more, just because you know someone I went to high school with does not make us friends. If we weren’t friends in school, we’re not friends now. If I didn’t like you then, why would I want you to follow my comings and goings?

I’d like to see a new Face Book category for acquaintances. I know who you are, but I don’t want you to know that much about me.

Which brings up the TMI aspect of FB. I am guilty of this myself. I over-share. If you read this blog regularly, you know that already. I’m not sure I’m one of the worst offenders on when it comes to my FB status, though.

Speaking of sharing, here’s my dilemma. I have friends on FB that don’t need to read most of what I write here, but FB is a great way to let readers know that I’ve updated. I think I have fixed it so they cannot see the blog updates posted there. I need an acquaintance option!

This is going nowhere. I’m not even going to proofread. (Not that I ever do proofread.) I’ve GOT to get my meds refilled.

And another thing, I think I’m going to try submitting some of my stories to magazines. I could use a little more rejection in my life. Any suggestions (on stories to submit or magazines to submit them to)? I’m thinking humor magazines, but who knows.

I hope everyone has a happy, safe, fun 4th of July. I’m going to CVS


  1. . I could use a little more rejection in my life.

    That made me laugh out loud. haha.

  2. I'm surprised. You scored higher on the 'How gay are you' quiz than I did.

    Facebook is kind of a joke. I don't know most of the people who've 'friended' me, and most of my friends simply email or call.... Still, it's a great way to vent, share links, scandalize, or practice typing. is always looking for stuff. They published some stuff I did a while ago, and they PAY, which is more than I can say for other sites.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah.. if I could block all applications from sending me requests, that would be fine with me. I don't want to play Mafia, I don't want to add my birthday to their birthday calendar. I don't want to continue the wave from Bama fan to Bama fan either.

    I have gone through and created a new group called People I follow and added everyone I care to read about in it. Then you drag it to the top of the list and when you load your newsfeed, it will load that group.

    That helps big time.

    Totally agree there needs to be an acquaintance group where, I'll allow them to see my stuff if they want, but they can't do anything but post on my wall.

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