Monday, May 11, 2009

Space, the final straw!

You have no idea how absolutely freaking jealous I am right now! GAH!

My brother and his family are gone to Disney World this week. First of all, I have never been to Disney. We, by no means, have the money to go to Disney. So I was a little jealous. Moments ago, I hit a new level of green.

He sent a text message letting us know they arrived in Orlando. Along with that message he said this, “We saw the Space Shuttle come up through the clouds and out into space as we were driving in.”

What?!? Seriously?!?

I sat here watching NASA-TV all morning waiting for the launch. Around 11:00 (2 hours before launch) I had to go to Cullman to drop off some paperwork. I didn’t make it back in time to see the launch. But my brother saw the shuttle zooming into space in person!

I’m jealous. You have no idea how jealous I am. (Though you may get the idea soon, since I’m going to rail some more.)

I have been a fan of space travel for a long, long time. Well, for as long as I can remember. I watch every launch I can on NASA-TV. And I usually leave it running on my computer throughout the mission, so I can watch the various activities. Seeing a launch in person has long been a dream. While he didn’t see it from the viewing area at Cape Canaveral, he still saw it live.

I’ve seen the shuttle in orbit through a telescope. The shuttle once woke me up with a sonic boom as it passed over Auburn on it’s way to landing. I’ve watched countless hours of video from space on NASA-TV via our old satellite dish and, now, on the Internets. A live launch, though, has eluded me.


1 comment:

  1. Put a date on your calendar to see a launch. I'll go with you. I have always wanted to see one as well.

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