Monday, April 13, 2009

The Wicked Chainsaw Fairy meets Richard Shelby

Apparently I am feeling more normal than usual of late. I’ve had no weird hang-ups, feelings of inadequacy, or other neuroses to share. At least none I can remember at the moment. I’m sure something will come before I’m finished.

I didn’t post at all last week. I feel sort of bad about that. I really don’t know why, but I do. I’ll try to do better. But as most of you know, it comes and goes.

I hope everyone had a happy Easter. Ours was good. Hopefully I’ll have some pictures to share later. I would have more, but our digital camera wouldn’t work on the cheap Dollar Tree batteries I bought. That’ll teach me.

My eldest just called. He went to a luncheon featuring Senator Richard Shelby with his confirmation mentor. He says he had a good time. I was afraid he would be bored to tears. Apparently he was only bored to choking up a little. My favorite comment about the luncheon was about the food they served. It was, in his words, “Some kind of chicken wrapped in bacon with a cheese sauce.” I asked if it was good. “Yeah it was really good. I ate half of it. Because the other half had the cheese sauce on it.”

Last weekend I took my daughter to see Wicked in Birmingham. She LOVED it. More than I thought she would. I, of course, loved it as well. We listened to the CD on the way there, on the way back, and she’s listened to it at least once each day since. Did I mention she loved the show?

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I tend to get emotionally caught up in the make believe world of visual entertainment. I choke up watching AT&T commercials. I cried watching Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium. Something about TV, Movies, and especially live theater puts me on the edge of an emotional cliff, and I try desperately to not fall off. That being said, I spent most of the show tearing up. Never actually crying, but with moist eyes. Not sure why exactly theater tends to melt me into an overly sensitive lump of blathering un-manly patheticness, but I do. And I’m not sure I’m ashamed of it.

I’ve been thinking lately. A dangerous pastime, I know. (Thank you Lefou and Gaston!) I think I’m too guarded. The last paragraph not withstanding. I tend to not share much beyond surface, superficial stuff. I’m going to try to get past that.

I could say more, but I’m not there yet.

We did a new song that I wrote for Easter yesterday. It got several compliments. I’ll reserve judgment. There’s a whole topic in itself. Maybe tomorrow.

During the storms last week, we lost a tree. A half-dead dogwood outside our kitchen window went down Friday Thursday night/Friday morning. Luckily it fell away from the house. This marks the second time that a tree we wanted to have cut down fell in a storm. In 1999 the same thing happened, but that one did cause a little property damage. A couple of branches scraped my truck. This one missed everything.

As my son and I left home Friday morning, I told him it was just a matter of time before someone offered to cut it up for $25. I spent part of the morning trying to track down a chainsaw so I could dispose of it myself with out the help or expense of the afore mentioned saw wielding tree vulture. When I came home from work, my wife was home and the tree was neatly cut up and placed curbside. I was slightly disappointed that I would not get to release some pent up anger as I’d hoped. The dissatisfaction only lasted a moment until I imagined my angry arm separated from the rest of my angry body via chainsaw.

I went in and asked Misty how much it cost to get the tree removed. Almost at the same time she asked me when I had time to cut up the tree. We both stood in silent shock and bewilderment for a moment until it finally dawned on us. Some helpful soul (I call them the “Good Chainsaw Fairy”) cut up our tree and moved it to the curb. It could be someone reading this now. So I’ll take this opportunity to say, thank you Chainsaw Fairy!

I’m done for now. Have a great week!

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