Thursday, April 16, 2009

Someday we'll find it...

I’m considering consolidating this blog to one spot. I’m not sure where that might be. My dilemma is multi-fold:

  1. I like that MySpace tells me how many people view my blog each week. And keeps an ongoing tally of total views (almost 7000 as I write this).
  2. LiveJournal has about 2 years of entries posted before I started cross posting on MySpace.
  3. Between LJ and MySpace there are about 4 years worth of posts from before I started saving them to my computer.
  4. Cross posting is a hassle! I end up spending as much time reformatting as I spend writing. Especially on MySpace. It does not like cut & paste.
  5. I like that MySpace tells my subscribers when I’ve updated. That saves me from a little self-promoting.

To sum up – I like various aspects of both LJ and MySpace. I don’t like posting everything twice. I don’t want to lose my “archives.” This post will get me over 7000 views on MySpace. I do not like self-promotion, either. I am openly soliciting suggestions and advice.

I think I have run out of things to write. I’ve shared most every opinion I hold on issues of the day. I’ve exhausted my trove of stories.

OK, that second part is not exactly true. I have two or three stories that I have not shared. I’m not sure they’ll ever get posted, though. There are some things in life you just don’t know what to do with. Things we’re not meant to handle or deal with.

I think I’ve made this stuff sound a lot worse than it is. I guess the best excuse I can give is this: I don’t want to bias anyone’s opinion of another person based on select stories from my experiences. Make sense? Let me give an example.

Say I have a friend named Mort. If you’ve never met Mort and I tell a story about the time Mort got really plastered and ranted, well, you’re going to develop an opinion of Mort. “Mort is a drunken idiot!” Or if you do know Mort, but you’ve never known of this to happen, then your opinion of Mort changes. Probably for the worse. Maybe you lose all respect for Mort. Mort doesn’t deserve that.

I have things I want to write about; things I need to write about. I just have not figured out how to go about it yet. I have stories I want to share; I’m just not prepared to share them…yet. Like I said earlier this week, I’m trying to open up more.

I say all of that to say, I’m open to suggestions on topics. Someone suggested a “What I believe” theme. I’m pondering that. Trying to figure out the best way to pull it off.

Well, I’d better get busy posting, re-posting, and reformatting. It takes a while.

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