Monday, March 9, 2009

Let's start at the very beginning...

I thought I'd start the "Rest of..." week ( Ican't call it the best) at the beginning. Here it is. Post #1 from May 2004.

May 5th, 2004

It begins...

It begins today. No more paper & pen! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
OK, now I have to finish getting ready for Bible Study.

Yep, that's how it started. Almost 5 years ago. And things really took off from there. Here's post #2. (notice the date)

August 19th, 2004

(no subject)

Wow, I never use this thing. I started a couple of months ago and never came back. Maybe I'll be more frequent after this. Who knows. Things are hectic right now. It's now 10 days from A-day. And we're about 17 weeks from M-day. Sounds confusing, eh? Well, it has to be for now. You never know who's watching. I'm ready for it to be over. The more time goes by the more I wish it were December already. But alas, it is not. Still 17 more weeks.

I think that's all for now. I need to do some real work. Maybe...


This was written 10 days before I told the kids at Broadway UMC (my last Youth Ministry job) that I was leaving to move back home to Florence. OK, one more tonight. This is what I wrote after I made the announcement.

September 13th, 2004

OK, I suck...

at journaling! I'm not very consistent at all. Oh well.

I think my main thought today is: I love "The Surreal Life!" What a great show! It kept me up late again last night. I really should start sleeping more. I can;t remember the last time I was asleep before 12:30 or 1:00. And I'm usually up around 7:15.

Oh crap, I think it's raining. My windows are down! Oh well, I have those little "I can smoke in the rain" shields on my windows. Maybe the interior won't get too wet.

Telling the youth about the move went about the way I expected it too. Not as terrible as my imagination wanted it to be, but not hunky dory either. There were laughs, tears, and lots of troubled looks. At least no one stormed out or threw furniture at me. I think everyone understands that this is the best thing for my family and me. At least they are doing a good impression of people who understand.

Well, I think the rain stopped so I guess I should go see if my car is soaked. Wow, things are exciting around here today!


OK, one more. Here is a family update from '04.

November 9th, 2004


Lets see if I can't give this thing a little more happy tone. It's been too dark and drab lately. Maybe I'll just talk about my family.

First I have to talk about how proud I am of Misty (my wife). She started back to college this semester after being out of school for almost 8 years. (We both graduated from AU in December of '96.) She is getting some pre-requisites out of the way so she can start Nursing School (hopefully) next fall. She is doing amazingly! In one class she has an average of like 103 or something, which is bad if it's a fever but extra-ordinarily good for an average grade. She has an A average in her other class also. Of course, she's disappointed that it's not as high as her Anatomy/Physiology grade, but that's one of the things I love about her! I am not surprised that she is doing so well, but I am, at the same time, completely amazed that she can do so well while raising two kids, working part-time, and trying to run a household all at the same time. My wife is absolutely amazing! I admire the heck out of her. And I love her to death! How did I get so lucky?

Now, the kids. My son is great also. I think one of my favorite things is sitting in our chair in the living room and having him come sit beside me to watch TV or read. Maybe it's because it reminds me of sitting in Papaw's chair with him years ago (18 years ago was the last time). A few days ago we sat and watched Food Network. It was great. Speaking of reading (I promise I did a few sentences ago. Go back and re-read it if you don't believe me.), he is an amazing reader! Right now he is reading the Limony Snicket books. They are rated at about a 6th grade level. He's in second grade! I'm just glad he likes reading. I don't think I did at that age. He brought home straight A's the last 9 weeks. He makes me proud!

My little girl is about to be 4. I can't believe she's getting so big. The time passes too fast. She had her first sleep-over last week. She went to spend the night with one of the nursery workers and her granddaughter. She was so big and brave! She came home from church, got her bag, gave hugs and kisses, and left. Just like that. *sigh* She loves the computer now, too. She lives on and She's quite the cuddle-monkey. If I ever lay down on teh couch to take a nap, I'm almost guarunteed that she'll be there under the blanket with me very soon.

Well, it does me some good to sit and think about all of the great things I have in my life. I could never put into words how much I love my wife and kids (not the TV show, it's terrible). Just writing about them has made me smile and helped me forget that things aren't exactly the way I want them to be right now. But if they were, I might take these seemingly little things for granted. But really selling our house or not, feeling out of place at work, wondering where we're going to live in Florence; that's the little stuff. I have a wonderful family that loves me. We're healthy. We're happy. Thanks God! Amen.


That's it for today. Nothing too interesting. But it's the beginning. I guess I'll pull from 2005 tomorrow.


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