Monday, January 12, 2009

Belated Birthday Blog


This is the first time in over 4 ½ years that I did not post on my birthday. I meant to, I just didn’t.

It was a good day. I took a day off. I watched Supermen Returns (finally), put Misty’s porch swing together, and changed the sheets on the kids’ beds. All before 1 pm! We went to eat at “Freakin’ Tony’s” (Ricatoni’s), took a quick trip to Books-A-Million, came back home for Strawberry/Pretzel Salad (best “Birthday Cake” ever), then the kids and I played Wii Sports and Guitar Hero. It was a good day. Saturday night my mom and dad took me to Dale’s for another Birthday dinner. Good stuff.

And now I’m 35 years old. It’s a little weird to say (or write). I don’t know why exactly. Weirder even than turning 30. 35 just sounds more grown up or something. I’m not, of course.

I am, apparently, falling apart. My shoulder flared up again Saturday night. I didn’t get to bed until midnight or so and then I was up by 2:30 with a throbbing shoulder. This time it hurt all day. It feels a little better today, and I did sleep almost all night. I guess I’ll head back to the doctor today to try to get some answers.

If nothing else my aching shoulder should help me keep my New Year’s Resolution! Enjoy your Monday.

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