Friday, October 10, 2008

I guess this Tony the Tiger was not so Grrrrrrrrrrreat!

This has been yet another busy week. I’ll get into that in a minute. First, lest I forget, last Friday I had the privilege of eating lunch with one of my favorite (very possibly my favorite, but I wouldn’t want him to get a big head) people in the world : Heath Mixon! Heath was passing through Florence on his way up to Dyersburg, TN for a wedding. We enjoyed some chicken fingers, pleasant weather, and wonderful conversation. We really should do that more often. Damn high gas prices!!!

We had our first practice for A Christmas Story Monday. Really it was more of an informational meeting. We didn’t even do a complete read through, which I expected. I think it will be fun. I’m excited about playing two different parts. The only problem I see so far is that they are only 20 pages apart. That is going to mean a quick costume change. That should only add to the excitement.

I spent part of the week in Opelika. Go figure. I think we are finally wrapping that thing up, though. Hopefully I have one more trip down there and that’s it. We’re done.

I was in Opelika (leaving the job to come home) when I heard the news about Tony Franklin. I thought about going to Auburn and driving by the Athletic Complex. I decided to go home instead. I wish I’d gone. Sounds like it was an exciting atmosphere. I’m not sure yet how I feel about Franklin getting fired. I hoped he wouldn’t, but I can see the reasoning.

As fans go, I consider myself pretty level headed. (Except when the game is actually being played. Then I’m a moron.) I understand that this being a new offense it will take time to get things clicking. The problem as I saw it: there was no improvement. Week to week the offense showed no signs of getting better. That comes down to coaching. Then you’ve got to wonder, is the problem with the coordinator or is it the position coaches? Or is it a combination? Something needed to change. My major frustration this season has been play calling. It looked like AU has been running about 6-8 plays. Nine times out of ten, on first down, they run the read option. How hard is it to stop an offense when you only have to defend 6 plays? Not hard.

I expected the firing. When I read Sunday that “drastic changes” were coming, I was just waiting for the ax to fall. Then Monday came and everything seemed hunky dory. Then Wednesday came and it’s turmoil. That it happened in the middle of the season, in the middle of the week, leads me to believe there was a confrontation. Coach Tubs says no. One thing is for sure, since we’re dealing with Tony Franklin, we’ll know soon enough.

We’re getting ready to move next week. We plan to move some stuff this weekend. We don’t close until next Friday. I’m getting nervous. I hate moving. If you want to help, I promise I’ll let you.

Our youngest has become a reading machine! All of a sudden she is reading chapter books like a fiend!

Well, I’m done for today. Have a great weekend!

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