Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life...in a nutshell. Maybe not a nutshell, I'd say a coconut shell

I’m going to try to do a plain old “What’s going on with Scott” update. I don’t do these very often because, frankly, I’m pretty boring in the here and now. That doesn’t mean that I won’t have some slightly humorous stories about these days to share 5 years from now. Time tends to make things funnier. You know, like a child falling head first off of a sofa.
The kids are back in school. At two different schools. A few years ago, the school system rearranged the schools and the grades they house. Barring any unforeseen holding back or grade skipping (neither of which is likely) our kids will never attend the same school again. I guess they could end up at the same college, but let’s stick to k-12. So, like I said, the kids are back in school. Both of them are happy with their teachers.
Updating about the kids is tricky. Given all of the “Internet Predator” paranoia, I’m always a little hesitant to give too much information about them. But then again, I’ve posted their names, ages, and, hell, pictures at various times in the past. I’m never very sure where that line is. You know, the line between interesting material and too much information. I tend toward the “over-share” side of the line. I’ve decided since I’m not a 13 year-old boy (or girl) that I’m not really in the “internet prey” category. Then again, you can never be too safe with your kids. Well, maybe you can.
I’ve always considered myself a rational person. On the surface. Dig a little deeper and there is a definite irrational vein running deep and wide in my psyche. You may think, “It’s because you have kids.” I wish I could say yes, but, no, I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember.
When I was growing up, if my Mom was ever late getting home I always thought the worst. I imagined horrible fiery crashes, dark alleys filled with muggers, and plane hijackings. The good part, none of it ever happened. Unfortunately, the fact that none of it ever happened, only encouraged me to envision the worst.
My thought process went something like this: “The last time mom was late I imagined she drove off into a ditch and no one could see her from the roadway, so she stayed there clinging to life, waiting for someone to come looking for her. But then she came home 30 minutes late because the line at the grocery store was long and there was only one cashier working. Since she’s late again, I bet she stopped at the grocery store… and was run over by a little old man who couldn’t see over the steering wheel as she walked back to her car. Now she’s laying in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot surrounded by flattened pumpernickel and smash cumquats waiting on the ambulance to arrive. As long as I think that, she’ll be home safe and sound in a matter of minutes.”
I still do this, but not as bad. Now it’s directed toward my kids instead of my parents. And it goes something like this: “Abby’s not out front like she’s supposed to be. I haven’t seen her in 15 minutes. Should I go look for her or wait for her to come home? She’s probably next-door. If she’s not, though, and someone drove by and grabbed her, every minute is another minute head start they have on me finding her.” That leads to, “Last time I thought they had a 30 minute head start, then she came out of the neighbor’s house. So I know she’s ok this time.” Anyone follow that logic?
I say all of that to say this. The kids are starting to ride their bikes around the neighborhood. I hope my paranoia continues to serve me well.
In other news, I love the Olympics! Always have. I think I wrote on this same topic 4 years ago. I look forward to this every 4 years. When it actually gets here, though, it’s always better than I imagined. I forget how much I really love watching these athletes compete. I would name favorites, but the list would go on and on. I’ll limit it to my top 2. Gymnastics and diving. Those men and women (boys and girls in many cases) amaze me. I’ll stop pretty much anything to watch gymnastics.
Last night I saw an event that could quickly climb into the top 2 (to replace diving) if it’s not over yet. Trampoline jumping. Who knew this was a sport? I’ll tell you one thing, it’s amazing to watch. I hope it’s not over. If so, I’m going to watch more on NBC’s website.
We still haven’t sold our house. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
This Sunday at Edgemont UMC, we are starting what I think will be a great sermon series. “The Gospel According to U2.” You can read more about it here. I’m really looking forward to performing U2 songs each week. It should be a lot of fun. If you’re in Florence and you like U2, come check it out. If you are intrigued by a church looking at the gospel through the eyes of an Irish rock band, come check it out. If you don’t have a church and want one that is, at least in my experience, pretty damn accepting of just about everyone, come check it out. Our “alternative” worship service, The Edge, starts at 9 am every Sunday morning. The more traditional “Blended” service starts at 11:15.
That was a little more tangent filled than I anticipated or meant for it to be. Then again, so is my life. I’ll leave you with this thought:
College football kicks off next week! 10 days until the Tigers take the field! War Eagle!

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