Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hunka hunka burning love

I expect to get some random comments to this post. There are certain buzzwords that you can write about and expect to get a few anonymous comments from activists on one side or the other of an issue. I guess they put a Google alert for any blog dealing with homosexuality, abortion, the Death Penalty, or Rob Bell. A few months ago I wrote about gay people and I got a couple of weird comments from people I don’t know. Here’s to hope!
So which one is it? I think I’ve beaten the gay subject to death. (Wow, that might get comments.) I don’t really have all that much to say about abortion. That leaves Rob Bell and the Death Penalty. Rob Bell could be fun. He’s got some good things to say. He’s controversial. He wears cool “emo” glasses. I think Winston has Rob covered, so let’s go with the Death Penalty.
I decided to write about this a few weeks ago. At the time Alabama had an inmate who was to be executed that week. Then he got a stay because another man confessed to the murder this guy was convicted of. I thought, “What a perfect time to write about the death penalty.” But I didn’t. It was around the time I was in a jovial, “I don’t want to write about serious topics” frame of mind. (Then the next week, Texas executed someone. Imagine that, an execution in Texas.) I was still in a “No Dark Themes” mood. Well, the mood passed. So, now that it is not topical at all, I’ll write about the Death Penalty.
There’s a problem, though. All those weeks ago, I had some great thoughts to share. I thought out my opinion, and was ready to share it. I formed persuasive arguments to help you, the reader, see my side of the issue. I was ready to take on all comers. But that was 3-4 weeks ago. I don’t remember any of that crap now. We’ll see where this goes.
If you asked me to summarize my stance on the death penalty in one word, I would say, “No.” I’m not refusing to answer you. I’m against the death penalty. This is about a 180-degree change from, say, 5-6 years ago. I’m not going to go into the hows and whys of my flip-flop (to use a campaign term). Let’s just say that I look at the world a little differently now than I did then.
I’ve mentioned before that Misty and I often watch The First 48 on A&E. This show follows police in various cities as they investigate murders. If nothing else, that show has taught me one thing. Killing does not stop killing. In fact, killing begets more killing. If you watch that show, you realize how pitiful and sorrowful most killers are.
I’m going to keep this short, so I’ll give you my reasoning. Jesus. That’s it. That’s the reason I am anti-capital punishment. Taking a life is always wrong. We are called to love as God loves. Unconditionally. I see absolutely no way for killing and loving to harmonize.
There are other layers to my reasoning. The UMC Book of Discipline sums up my views pretty accurately. Click to see what the Discipline says.
God does not love one child above the rest. No matter who we are. No matter what we do. He loves us all the same.
I have other grounds for opposing capital punishment. Cruelty of the methods, the rate of error (wrongful conviction), the disproportionate number of blacks sentenced to death, etc. But my main rationale is the best reason.
I guess this means I’ll never be put on a jury for a capital murder trial. Wait; maybe that’s my chief motive…

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