Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just saw this headline: Dunkin' Donuts pulls Rachael Ray ad

Apparently they pulled the ad because of a scarf Rachel is wearing. here's a quote from the article: 

            Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin complained that the scarf wrapped around her looked like a kaffiyeh, 
            the traditional Arab headdress. ''The kaffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to
            symbolize murderous Palestinian Jihad,'' Malkin wrote in her syndicated column.

Here's a picture of the ad:

To borrow from Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler: Really Dunkin' Donuts? Really? Are we really so paranoid that a scarf scares us. Do we ban all towel wrapped hair from Dove ads next? "You know wrapping your hair in a towel really does look like a turban. And lots of Muslims wear turbans and lots of Muslims are terrorists. Let's ban towel wrapped hair. I guessed we should get rid of anyone in any ads who looks Arab.

While we're at it, we'd better ban Asians from advertising, because people might think they are from North Korea and they're our enemies. While we're at it let's go ahead and ban any closed fists, because that symbolizes the Black Power movement. Black cats make me think of witches, so they're out, too. Have I made my point?

I'm tired of people using fear and paranoia to promote their own beliefs. I'm not just picking on "Conservative Commentators." The left does the same thing. Don't believe me? Watch Keith Olberman on any given night.

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