Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Open "The Door"

This is a plug for a website (and a magazine) I have absolutely no affiliation with what-so-ever. You should visit The Wittenburg Door. I'll go ahead and give you fair warning; make sure your wearing your thick skin. The Wittenburg Door is a magazine that was started long, long ago by, among others, Mike Yaconelli (co-founder of Youth Specialties). The website was nothing more than a place to order the magazine for a long time. Recently it has come alive with the same biting satire, commentary, and criticism that the magazine has aimed (mainly) at the Church for decades. It's Christians skewering Christians. Fun stuff.

Here's a cartoon from the site that gave me a chuckle:

In other news, today was the last day of school for the kids. That used to be such a big deal when I was in school. Every moment after Spring Break built to the wonderful cresendo that was the last bell of the year. Even when our oldest was younger, it was an event. This year it's just another day. I guess the magic is gone.
One more thing, my kids took the Show Tunes Quiz last night. The oldest got 7, the youngest got 5. I was impressed.

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