Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm a mean green mother from outer space

It's been all heavy, serious subjects around here lately. I know what you've been thinking as you've read the last several posts. "What happened to the shrinking penises?" "Where are the 'Great Tits'?" I feel the same way. I have generated at least a couple of new readers (though they may be bots) with the serious stuff. I have someone wanting me to call a 1-800 number to answer questions about gay people and another asking me to sign a petition saying Rachel Ray is not a terrorist. Apparently I've been thinking heavy thoughts.

That's not fun. I apologize. But now I have refilled my prescription, so I'm going to try a change of pace today. I refuse to go serious today. I won't even mention broken space toilets. Too serious. I refuse to talk about Israel naming an “unclean” animal as it’s National Bird. Everybody knows that Israel is a controversial subject. Let's go light and fluffy.
Speaking of fluffy… People always seem a little shocked when I tell them I used to be large. At one time I weighed over 220. I’m about 5’7”. Those are not good proportions. For some reason there are those who have a tough time believing that I was that big. Well, today, I have photographic evidence. This is a picture taken right before I went on a serious diet around 1998 or ’99. I had already lost some weight at this point. I think I was around 210 lbs. Soon after this I saw pictures of my self in a swimsuit on the beach. I lost about 30 pounds soon after that. I need to find a better, bigger picture. I’ll try to post one tomorrow. Here’s the picture:
  Apparently something was spilled on teh picture. I did not have kidney disease.
Enjoy a couple more pictures. Here’s one of my mom, my daughter and me at the office about 5 years ago. I was much skinnier then.

And this is one of my favorites. It’s an Oriental Grocery store in Atlanta. I’m not sure you can make out the name. It’s the Dong Bang Oriental Grocery.
Have a great weekend.


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