Sunday, May 18, 2008

Black, the dark of ages past.

Apparently I’m going to make a habit of this Sunday evening update.

We did something this weekend we’ve not done in a long, long time. We spent time with friends. We ate lunch with our pastor and his family at their house. Then we all went to Arts Alive. When I say we haven’t done this in a long time, I mean years and years. Oh wait, I take that back about 3 years a go we went on a picnic with two other couples and their kids. Forgot about that one. OK, so this was the second time in the last decade or so that we have done something social that was not related to work, family, or church. It was people from church, but it was in no way church related.  We had a great time. We should try to make a habit of that.

Last Sunday I thought of a few things I wanted to write about. I decided to wait until later in the week since Sunday’s entry was pretty heavy. I promptly forgot everything that I was going to write about. I’m going to write them tonight and post them throughout the week.

I was reading through an old journal tonight; the traditional pen and paper style. It’s interesting looking back at who I was 4-5 years ago; remember forgotten tragedies & triumphs; see how much hasn’t changed at all. Writing in a journal is a whole lot different than this little adventure. This notebook is for my eyes only. Sure, my kids or Misty may pick it up and read a little, but that’s three people. It’s a little odd to sit here typing my inner most thoughts knowing that it’ll be seen by 10-20 people (and potentially millions). I have to censor a little. There are deep, dark parts of my brain that I dare not unleash on the public. I guess I can save those for pen and paper. But knowing me I’ll just end up putting it on here eventually. Hopefully I won’t scare too many of you away.

I have two more things to throw out tonight.

1.       I have to have a man-crush geek out for a little bit. I e-mailed Glen Phillips earlier today. (Read some past posts to get the full effect of my infatuation.) For the un-initiated, Glen is the former lead-singer of Toad the Wet Sprocket. He’s playing in Nashville July 10 (let me know if you want to go) and in Atlanta July 13. I e-mailed to ask if he might squeeze in a show in Alabama between those. HE RESPONDED TO MY E-MAIL!!! Long story short, no Alabama show. But I swooned a little just the same.

2.       I caved. Love won out over ultimate coolness. I shaved yesterday. When I hear, “You’ve got to shave that thing.” I know it’s a thinly veiled ultimatum. So, I caved.

That’s it for now. Have a great week.

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