Thursday, May 1, 2008

Artificial Flowers: Flowers for Ladies of Fashion to Wear

I think I've hurt my back. Maybe I just slept funny.

Excitement just rippled through my body! It's Thursday! This just happens to be my favorite day of the week. That's not the reason for the ripples though. Scrubs, The Office, & Lost all new, in HD, tonight! Word to your mother!

*I have 594 items in my Junk Mail folder right now. Ususally I clean it out everyday. I haven't done that this week. It really bugs me to see that little number (that shows unread items) next to a folder name in Outlook. I read and "Mark as Read" mail as fast as possible to get rid of the numbers. In the Junk Mail folder, it doesn't work. Even if you mark all of the messages as read, the number is still there. I want to clean it out. Delete them all and let the cyber gods sort them out. 

But there are FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOUR of them. That is huge. I want to see how many I get in a week. No reason really, just another wierd quirk I have. 

It's a tiny little internal self-competition. Like with Lucky Charms, when you try to eat all of the cereal pieces before you eat any marshmallows. If you eat a marshmallow, you lose. If I clean out the folder, I'll never know how many junk mails I get this week. If I don't know how many I get this week, I'll never know if I get more next week. That would cheat next week out of it's chance to win. Can I do that in good conscience? I think not. But that number REALLY bugs me.

I'm going to stick to my guns. I hereby vow that next week (or the next) will have it's chance to compete in the internal self-competition that is "Which Week Gets the Most Junk Mail!" I'll keep you posted.

*Footnote: I like to use this blogging thing as an outlet for my crazy. Don't be alarmed. I'm not dangerous. But just think, this is the stuff I'm not afraid to put out in the public realm. Just imagine what's in there that I won't let out. Mwa ha 

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