Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We're not gonna pay...

 I already wrote this once. I'll try it again.

I made it to Hunstville and back safely. I got about 2 hours of sleep. But it was all worth it. Rent was great! I had never seen the stage show. I've heard most of the music and I have seen the movie. Seeing it live is much better. I wondered about the cast at first, but for the most part they got better as it went along. I thought Mark was good. Roger, not so much. Collins got off to a rocky start, but he was pretty goo, if a little stiff. Angel, I thought, was terrific. The rest of the cast were not bad or particularly notable. I think I was very possibly the only straight guy there who wasn't dragged there against their will. Here's a picture of the stage before the show, if you're into that kind of thing.

Did I mention that my sister went with me? She did. We had a good time. I'm glad she went. Otherwise I would have gone alone and looked pathetic. Ashley, thanks for "following your big brother." 

We found a house we like, but I just got a call that they have an offer on it. We'll see what happens.

Not much else going on. Just a little drama here and there. It'll all come out in the wash. 

Sorry I didn't get to the story Shelia. Maybe tomorrow. 

p.s. Apparently I wore my "Man Pants." I didn't even tear up.

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