Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Enjoy Being a Girl

I feel I should clear up the title. I am not, nor have I ever been a cross-dresser. OK, there was that one time in High School, but it was for a Male "Beauty Pageant" so I don't think it counts. Does dressing like a girl and lip-syncing a Judds song one time make one a cross-dresser? After-all I only did it because Misty asked me too. Teenage boys will do almost anything if a girl asks them. What I'm trying to say is, the title is a song from "Flower Drum Song." Most of my subject lines have been titles or lines from show tunes lately, this is no exception.

I've got 11 different items to ship to 8 different people today. That trip to the Post Office should be fun. So far I've made around $180.00. Not too bad. E-bay is good. I still have a lot of stuff to put on there. I guess I'm about half-way through my Star Trek stash.

I'm having little muscle spasms in my eyebrow. That's obnoxious. Very obnoxious.

Last Thursday night I actually got to sit down and watch Scrubs, The Office, and Lost at their regularly scheduled times in HD. That was exciting. Have I mentioned how completely sappy I am when I watch movies & TV. I think I have. I don't cry, per se, but I mist up really easily. The most embarrassing time might have been during Abby's birthday. We  took 6 little girls to see "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium." I choked up.

Damn this twitch!!!!

Sorry, so back to sappiness. For future reference, if you're watching TV or a movie with me and I give an awkward chuckle. It's a cover. So I'm watching Scrubs and there I go. The staff goes in to defend Dr. Kelso, I feel it coming. As Kelso leaves he looks at Ted and says "Thanks for everything." Here comes the mist. Then a hallmark commercial came on. "Holy crap! Give me an emotional break!" The minute Jesus Jones' "Unbelievable" kicked in, I had to grab a tissue. I'm such a girl. OK, I guess the title fits more than I thought.

I'm going to see RENT tonight! Reaction tomorrow.

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