Thursday, April 24, 2008

You Drive Us Wild, We'll Drive You Crazy

I had a great update written and ready to post. My computer flipped out and I lost it. I'm too lazy to actually re-write it, so here's a summary. I'll let you make up the details. Your version will likely be more interesting than the truth.

  • Slow week
  • Gas station bathrooms
  • attempted arson
  • Horny Goat Weed 
  • Broken toe
  • Odd smell
  • No home phone

I hope that will fill your Scott Blog needs until tomorrow. I know it fills mine.

Here's a random link to end things. I've mentioned The Bryant Park Project a few times. This is a link to a segment they do called "The Most." They post a video version on their blog. I can't get it to embed, so here's the link. The Most - 4/24.2008


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