Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lay Down Your Arms, Gather Your Friends

Glen can write a lyric. 

I should apologize for the length (and apparently the tone) of my last post. That story was way longer than I thought. I'll try to keep them short from now on. If I see it won't be short, I'll add a...

There's nothing to see here. Move along.

No dizzy spells today. That's a plus. And yes, I did tell my wife about them. You may ask, "Wouldn't she reda about them here anyway?" Then I would answer, "No. She doesn't believe in blogs." To put things in perspective: My wife is scared of Facebook (and MySpace).

My parents are leaving in an hour or so going to Hawaii. I hope they have a good trip. They've been looking forward to it for quite a while. I just got a text message from my Mom. "Aloha." I guess they're on their way there. (Wow, I got all three of them in one sentence!)

I have company for Rent! My sister is going with me. I'm excited.

Misty is getting inducted into Phi Kappa Phi tomorrow night. It's a big deal. Phi Kappa Phi is a very exclusive honor society. They are teh only Honor Society allowed to wear something distinguishing at graduation. She gets to wear a big medalion. (I'm picturing a Flava Flav syle clock.) This is the second one in two weeks. Last week she was inducted as a charter member of UNA's chapter of Sigma Theta Tau (THE Nursing Honor Society). I'm so proud of my smart wife. I hope the kids get their academic habits and tendencies from her.

That's it. I'm done. Short entry today. Enjoy your Wednesday.


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