Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm just a Broadway Baby

I bought tickets for Rent yesterday. My sister is going with me. Should be fun. Especially since we never see each other. (Did you hear the sarcasm drip?) 

 mentioned High School diplomas today. I have no idea where mine is. I do have a wallet size version in a wallet somewhere at home. The question reminded me of a Yard Sale story from this weekend. I promise it's not as long as the ER story.

When we knew we were moving back to Florence from Paducah, we started bringing a few things with us when we came to visit. We left the boxes here at the office. Several of them were still here until this weekend. Since we were having a Yard Sale we decided to carry those boxes over and sell the contents. We sort of looked through a couple of them. I found my old Calvin & Hobbes books in one. I took them out. We found a few other things we didn't want to sell and set it all aside Friday night.

Saturday morning Misty was busy selling half of what we own. A woman came up to her and asked, "You don't want to sell these do you?"

Misty looked over and the shopper was holding two black leather folders. With the Auburn University Seal on them. 

We had recently talked about getting our Degrees framed. "I wonder where they are?" "Probably in the attic somewhere." No, they were in a box at my office. We didn't sell them. But I do know where my AU Degree is now.

Speaking of selling things, anyone a fan of Star Trek? I have a large collection of Star Trek toys for sale. I have toys from TNG, DS9, TOS, the movies, and a couple from Voyager. A couple of them are listed on E-bay right now. The rest will go up over the next few days. The way things are going, you may see my kids on there before long... no wait, they would have to go on Craigslist. 

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