Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Take Back the Night

I mentioned this event the other day. Here are details from Melanie.

Take Back the Night : Friday, April 25, 2008 
Anti-violence/Anti-victimization Rally begins at 7:00pm at Wilson Park, Downtown Florence
Entertainment begins at 8:00pm on Mobile Plaza

The purpose of Take Back the Night is for women and the men who support them to demonstrate that they have the right to be out after dark without being assaulted in any way. ANYONE is welcome to join the rally/march and bring signs supporting safety for all in our community. Joining the rally is free. If you would like to attend the entertainment portion of the event, tickets are $3 if you participate in the march and $5 for the entertainment only. All proceeds will help Rape Response continue to provide services for victims/survivors and their families in Lauderdale, Colbert, Franklin, Marion & Lawrence counties of Northwest Alabama.

Entertainment includes: Spoken Word artists Tami Rhodes & J.T.
and the following bands (in no certain order): A Lesson In Learning, The Michael Ledbetter Band, First-Aid for Choking, Byron Green, Malcolm Singleton, Planet Ink, and Dustcap 3-Way

Make your plans to attend!

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