Friday, March 28, 2008

Whatever Happened to Bazooka Joe?

Comics with your bubble gum. That was the best.

I wish I could read non-fiction. I've tried many times. I can't do it. At least not in a timely fashion. If I read non-fiction, here are two books I would definitely read. Founding Faith and God's Problem. They both sound really interesting. Anyone want to read them and then give me a brief synopsis?

I heard this on BPP yesterday, so I had to go see the video. Funny Stuff...

A few days ago I mentioned our court date. A funny thing happened on the way to the courtroom. If you've been to a courthouse most anywhere in America, you have likely passed through a metal detector. The one at the Lauderdale County Courthouse is very much like an airport security point. Empty your pockets into a plastic bin, put your bag through the x-ray machine, and walk through. Monday, as we headed off to court, I emptied my pockets and walked through. *BEEEEEP* Wait, I forgot about the pen in my coat pocket. Try again. *BEEEEP* All the while the Courthouse Security guard is sitting at a table 30 feet away reading his newspaper. After the second time through, he looks up. He asks, "Got on steel-toed shoes?" I said yes. "That's why," he replied. Then went back to reading his paper. That was it. I guess next time I want to carry a gun into the courthouse, I'll just tell them I'm wearing steel-toed boots. Lawyers and judges beware.

We're off to the A-Day game tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain. I'll try to post some updates via Twitter for anyone who's interested.

I like this new "Adult Content" feature on LJ. I'm going to go retrofit some old posts.

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