Sunday, March 30, 2008

Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie, and Chevrolet

Baseball season always reminds me of the song in the subject line. Anyone else remember those commercials from Braves radio broadcasts? I miss listenting to the braves on my Dad’s old radio. Good times. The Braves are playing their season opener tonight. I can’t believe it’s baseball season already.

I think we’ve decided to stay in our house a while longer. We’ve been looking and were planning to move soon. Looks we’re going to wait a year. I think it’s for the best.

Yesterday was fun. Misty, The kids, and I all went to Auburn for the A-Day game. I all my years at AU I never went to an A-Day game. I really don’t even remember hearing anything about it while I was in school. We had a really good time, in spite of the weather. The forecast early in the week was mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of rain. Not bad. Friday the forecast was cloudy and a 60% chance of rain starting around 11 am with a high around 72. The game was at 1:00. I debated taking my sunglasses. It was dreary when we left, and I fully expected to get wet. We didn’t. It was sunny and hot. Not terribly hot, but hot enough to be uncomfortable. Since the forecast called for cloudy skies, we didn't take any sunscreen. Mistake. Misty and I both got burned. The kids some how got out with out a sunburn.

After the game we went to Opelika to check on our project. Then we headed back to campus to look around and take some pictures. By then the kids were tired. But we still had a nice time. I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again. Auburn is the one place we’ve lived that I would move back to tomorrow. If it were about 2 hours closer to Florence, we probably wouldn’t have left 12 years ago. By the way, that place has changed. A lot!

Oh yeah, the Blue team won 30-14. I’ll try to get some pictures up tomorrow.

I ate a Whopper for the first time in about 3-4 years yesterday. I should never do that. Ever. Those things are from Satan.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it, but FAFC is playing on Mobile Plaza April 25th for an event called Take Back the Night. If you’re in the area, come see us. I’ll have more info later.

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