Monday, March 17, 2008


Time for some random, mostly unrelated information about my life as it stands at this moment in time.

I wrote about Twitter the other day (that’s a link to my Twitter page). It is evil. Don’t trust Twitter. For the un-twitted, let me explain. Twitter is a sort of mini-blog. Posts are limited to 140 characters. It is designed for users to give short updates on their current state. What makes it evil? You can update via text message. For people like me, who are already way too distracted behind the wheel, this is a dangerous feature. Twitter can be linked to your cell phone (or mobile device for the technoligically correct) so that when someone you are following updates, you get it via text message. Read mine now and you’ll see a few updates made from the road; probably in heavy traffic.

I see practical applications for this. If I were still doing youth ministry, for example, this could be handy. Have all the kids subscribe to the "OurChurchYouthGroupRules" twitter feed, then send reminders of trips, sign-up lines, last minute time changes, etc. Send them once and everyone gets it immediately. I still say Twitter is evil. But I do love it.

Tomorrow is our 13th Anniversary. 13 years. Wow. Our marriage is a teenager. A few years ago I posted a Scott & Misty story on LJ everyday of the week leading up to our anniversary. Maybe I’ll post another one tomorrow. I think I’ll go back and read those posts tomorrow.

We went to Nashville Saturday as a little Anniversary treat for ourselves. Opry Mills is a large, tiring behemoth of a place. And it eats money.

We’re looking at houses. Misty gets out of school and goes to work full-time in May. We’re ready for a bigger house. More yard. We found one we like today. We’ll see.

Does anyone else watch "The First 48"? Good stuff. I really need to shave. The itching is driving me nuts. I just noticed my Blog has twice as many views as my profile. No idea what that means. I need to see new episodes of "The Office." I miss Scranton. Buying s is embarrassing. Even for a 34 year-old, married father of two. I should carry more change. My sister is blushing right now. Sorry Ashley. Stream of consciousness. What can you do? Why am I not watching SNL? I don’t mean right this minute; it’s Monday night. I mean in general. Sometimes I don’t like people. Maybe a little too often. Is it really hard or really easy to be right all of the time. Seems like a lot of work to me. Does the fact that I know I’m slightly insane and irrational mean that, in reality, I’m neither?

Enjoy your tomorrow.

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