Friday, February 22, 2008

Adults Only

No, really. I mean it. 

Ok, now that we're all adults here...

I was listening to NPR the other day and heard a VERY interesting story. Bryant Park Project is an NPR program that doesn't come on around here, but you can listen to it online or on Sirius (which I do.) It's obviously geared toward a younger demographic than Morning Edition (with which it airs concurrently). It's hosted by Allison Stewart (formerly of MTV), and takes a little less formal approach to the news of the day than the typical NPR program.

Back to the story. So I'm listening on Valentine's Day and they are interviewing a woman about her sex toy website. Her Christian sex toy website. Christian sex toys?!? Yep, you heard me. Christian sex toy website. It's called Book 22. Which refers to Song of Songs (Solomon), the 22nd book of the Bible.

Take a look at the site. It's a sex shop. No doubt about it. Read the blog. Then let me know what you think. I'm not sure exactly what to think about it right now.

Interestingly, my kids were in the car with me when I was listening to the story. They don't pay attention to NPR. At least that's what I thought. Later they started talking about a story we heard later in the day (about a woman who died after a long battle with cancer.) So they may or may not have been listening to the sex shop story. Of course, it wasn't very explicit, but the content

Back to the website. I will agree that "the church" has a very puritanical attitude toward sex. It is a taboo subject except in youth groups where you hear about the horrors of sexual relationships. Sex was created by God as a beautiful, romantic joining of two people. But it's often treated like a necessarry evil inside a marriage. A few years ago Misty and I were in a Sunday School class that was doing a series on marriage. One of the lessons was about sex. The week before that lesson was scheduled, our teacher said something like this: "Next week's topic is [whispering] *sex.* I don't think any of us need to talk about that, so we're going to skip it." I disagree. I think we definitely need to discuss it. Some of us still need to be de-programmed from our "True Love Waits"/"If you have sex you'll get pregnant/your (whispering) *penis* will fall off," youth group days.

That being said, I'm not so sure about the "Christian" sex toys. I'm just glad their products aren't actually Christian themed. That would get too weird. I won't go any further. The products I'm imagining are way past sacrilegious. 

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