Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Are we there yet?

I'm ready to feel like a grown-up. I'm 33, but there are still times when I feel like a 10 year-old kid. Some times this is a good thing. I enjoy watching Sponge Bob Squarepants with my kids. I love laughing at that show along with them. Other times it's not so much a good thing. 

I seem to feel this way a lot when I'm around my parents. Does anyone else feel this way? My parents have a knack for making me feel like a kid. It's not on purpose. They don't even know they're doing it. But it happens.

For example: We work in construction. In construction people cuss like sailors. My dad is one of them. He goes on tirades using words that would make a crusty sea captain blush. When I'm around he catches himself. He'll let loose with a word and then throw in "Pardon my language, Scott." Or he'll get really pissed and use words usually only heard when movies are edited for network TV. I appreciate the sentiment. I don't talk like that. I don't exactly have a vocabulary as pure as freshly fallen snow, but I don't curse all that much. I know he does it out of respect for that fact. And out of respect for my faith, etc. But every time he does it I feel like a little kid. I expect him to look at me one day and announce "Ear Muffs" (think Vince Vaughn in Old School). I'm a big boy. I can handle the big boy language. It doesn't bother me all that much.

Then I watch my mom around my grandmother. When I watch them interact, I realize it's never going to get any better. My mom is almost 55 years-old and I'm pretty sure her mother makes her feel 10.

Maybe I should just enjoy the fact that my parents still want and need to look out for me. Maybe I should follow in Sponge Bob's footsteps. Grow some sideburns in a box, paste them on, and hang a pipe out of my mouth. It sure made his grandmother treat him like an adult.

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