Monday, September 24, 2007

Fall TV and Such

Holy Crap! It's premiere week! New episodes and new TV shows all week! Woohoo!!! There aren't really any new shows I'm all that excited about. I guess I'll just stick to the usuals. Worst thing about this week: no Lost! It doesn't come back until February. Best thing about the week: The season premiere of Heroes is tonight!!!

Speaking of heroes: Ever have one of yours completely let you down? Ever lose every ounce of respect for someone you really admired? Ever have someone who helpped make you the person you are turn out to be 100% different than you thought they were? Oh I have.

I alluded to this a few weeks ago, and I'm just now ready to comment.

I found out a few weeks ago that my former Youth Director and his wife are getting divorced. Sad, but not earth shattering. They are getting divorced because he had an affair. I was sad and disappointed, but it didn't really change the way I felt about him. Then I found out some of the circumstances and details of what was going on. I was appalled. Long story short, the man I've admired for 15 plus years is an ass. I hate to be that way, but it's true. He's being an ass to a woman who stuck by him through thick and thin for many, many years. He's being an ass to an 18 year-old girl that he helpped bring into this world.

I feel like my balloon deflated just a little. I guess I'll take this as a cautionary tale. Moral of this story, if you make a mistake learn from it and move on. But don't be an ass. 

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