Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's been a while...

Wow, I haven't updated in a while. And it's been even longer since I did a real "here's what's going on" update. So, here's what's going on:

  • I am now the permanent Co-Worship Leader. I am the Spiritual Leader half of the Two Headed Monster. The other head is the Music Director. I think it will work well. He has the musical ability, I have the, well, I have something.
  • Does anybody want a dog? I have one I think I'm ready to give away.
  • I need to go on a diet, and start running again. I wish I wasn't lazy and over whelmed with other stuff. I really should start exercising again, though. I just need a little motivation. OK, maybe I need a lot of motivation.
  • I'm going to see Derek Webb in Nashville in a couple of weeks. I'm excited. I hope some of the band will go, too. Sandra McCracken (his wife) is opening for him. May 6th at the Exit/In.
  • I have a horrible head ache right now. It doesn't hurt all that bad, it's just a weird kind of head ache. It hurts, but it's the weirdness that's really bothering me. And, no, "It's not a toomah."
  • Sixpence None the Richer, I wish I'd had the chance to see them live before they broke up. Good stuff.
  • I need to re-read the last few Harry Potter books. As most of you probably know, the 5th movie and the 7th book come out this summer. I'm pretty excited. Which is slightly sad since I'm 33 years old. I'm a geek and I'm not afraid to admit it.
  • Speaking of geeks, a new JRR Tolkien book is coming out (or just did). He's been dead for decades. How does this happen? Being the geek that I am, though, I think I'll have to read it.
  • Have I posted since I saw "The Departed"? I liked it a lot. So, Marky Mark's character... was he working for someone or was it payback? Discuss. I have an opinion.
  • We still need a bass player.
  • I'm going to Conference for the first time ever! I'm pretty excited. I'm the Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference for Edgemont UMC. I guess I don't get to vote. Unless some unfortunate accident should befall our Lay Delegate... heh heh heh.

I'm going home now. I may go to bed. This head ache sucks.

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