Monday, April 30, 2007

What a #@%& day!

Holy shnikies! What a day.

It has been Monday all day long. I kept waiting for the other shoe to fall. 

And it kept falling. Again and again and again.

It's all work related and I've handled it pretty well. My scalp hasn't felt like it was going to blow off even once today. We'll see what tomorrow holds. 

New Heroes tonight! That's exciting! For the next 3 weeks or so I get ne Heroes and Lost episodes! Throw in new episodes (or Fresh as the CW calls them) of The Office and Scrubs and it's a party of gloriously televised proportions!

Yikes! I've got to get some songs picked for this Sunday. Or maybe that's Ryan's job. We should iron out that division of labor thing. 

Do you ever have an undying urge to do something you feel certain you have absolutely no talent for? Anybody? Nobody. oh well... 

The band is sounding pretty good these days. We even had a bass player this week. And after the next two weeks or so we should have one at least for the summer. It'll be nice to have that full sound. Everyone is doing a great job. (With the possible exception of my guitar playing.) I think we'll only continue to get better. You should come hear us. Yes, I'm talking to you.

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