Wednesday, January 25, 2006

174. The only resolution I made this year: to weigh 175 or less at the end of the year. So far, so good. Wicked is going to be in Atlanta in May. I want to go, but I probably won't get to go (ticket prices, distance, work, etc). We went to Sunday School at Edgemont for the first time Sunday. It was quite nice. The class we're going to meets at the Parsonage (for now). Seems like a fun group of people. I'm in a quandry, though. I like Edgemont, I feel like we could really get involved there and be happy. BUT! There is supposed to be a new church starting in Florence this year. I've always wanted to be a part of a new church start. There won't even be an appointment to the church until June and who knows how long it will be after that before the church actually starts meeting. Anyone know what kind of time-table there might be for getting things started after June? (Just in a typical new church, not this one specifically.)

Have a great period of time until I post again. (Day, week, etc.)

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