Friday, June 10, 2005

Poverty and Baseball

We're going to the Stars game tonight. I'm excited! I haven't been to a baseball game in almost a year. We're renting a skybox. I hope it doesn't rain the game out.

I wrote about the ONE Campaign last time. This sounds like a great cause. I got this e-mail from them today.

This week has been an important one, and we have promising news to report back to you.

On Tuesday afternoon, President Bush announced progress towards an agreement with the UK on 100% debt cancellation for the world's poorest countries -- AND promised to do more for Africa.

The President went so far as to say: "And so when I say we're going to do more, I think you can take that to the bank."

And now today, the U.S. and UK are poised to announce a bold debt cancellation proposal that will erase over $56 billion in debt-- and quite literally save millions of lives, once the rest of the world's wealthy nations agree.

Thank you for adding your name to our letter to President Bush, urging him to do more for those with less. President Bush acted this week because Americans like you care deeply about fighting AIDS and extreme poverty. More than 160,000 people have signed the letter, and the White House is responding.

Please take a minute to ask three friends and family members to sign on to the ONE letter to President Bush.

Even now, crucial meetings and negotiations continue. Today, seven of the G8 finance ministers meet in London to finish a debt cancellation agreement and discuss what could be a historic plan to make poverty history at the July 6 G8 Summit. On the table is committing to more and better international assistance, debt cancellation and trade reform. Even only a few years ago, it would have been almost impossible to influence these meetings.

Today, we can learn about the issues at stake and use every opportunity to make our voices heard as ONE. On Tuesday night, Brad Pitt appeared on ABC's Primetime Live, speaking with Americ a about the emergency in Ethiopia and all of Africa, reminding us that for the cost of only ONE CD, we could send a child to school for ONE year.

Whether it is a TV program seen by millions, keeping watch as finance ministers huddle around a table, or a conversation you have with ONE friend or neighbor-- together as ONE, we can win the fight against global AIDS and poverty.

Thank you,

The ONE Team

Progress is good.

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