Friday, February 11, 2005

the nothing...

It is freaking cold outside today!

We're headed to Paducah tomorrow morning. It should be a very long day. It's a 4 hour drive (one way), and we're going and coming back tomorrow. So it'll be a looooong day. I usually enjoy these drives, though. It's the only real chance Misty and I get to talk for long, uninterupted periods.

St. James is starting a contemporary service next month. I'm pretty excited. This Sunday there is a lunch for those interested in helping with the service. I'll be there, and I'll help in whatever capacity I'm needed. I'm ready to get involved in church stuff again. Instead of just showing up on Sunday mornings.

Anyone else watching the Apprentice? This season has been pretty interesting so far. I was really glad to see Kristen gone last night. She's been a thorn in my Apprentice watching side for a few weeks. Now it's time for Erin to go. I don't know if I just don't like her or if she reminds me too much of Ashlee Simpson. I feel like I'm watching her goofy MTV show instead of "the Donald."

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