Thursday, February 10, 2005

Complete Randomness

I think my whole family is getting the flu. Luckily it's avaoided our house so far, but I think it's coming.

This stupid brochure may get the best of me. I'll finish it someday.

If you're not watching "desperate Housewives" you should. I don't know if there is a show out there that is more fun.

If you're not watching "Arrested Developement" you should. One of teh funniest shows on TV. But you can't watch just one episode, or start watching in the middle of an episode. Watch 2 or 3 and get into the flow. I have the first season on DVD, but you can't borrow it.

I need some new pants. I'm supposed to stop wearing jeans to work. So I need more khakis. Dollar General here I come! They have pants for $10! You couldn't ask for a better pair of work pants.

Keith is starting to grow on me. I like him more each week.

I've been through (or to) Birmingham about 4-5 times since I moved back. I have not been able to stop and visit anyone yet. Sorry Heath (and anyone else who's there that I should visit). We're going to try to get down there one Saturday and visit friends.

Misty painted our cabinets and they look really good. She is so talented (and I should add beautiful, too). I want her to apply for "The Apprentice" with Martha Stewart. Yeah, you heard me. Martha Stewart!

We're headed to Paducah this weekend. We've still got a few things on the house up there. We close February 21st. I hope we don't have to go back up there again.

I guess we'll HAVE to stop at Opry Mills on the way back. I need some new shirts because of our new "dress code."

Valentine's Day is coming. Are you ready? I am...I think.

Glen Phillips has some great insights into God and our place on this earth. And he writes some wonderfully twisted love songs, too. Can't wait for March 29th.

Time to work. Have a great day.

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