Thursday, November 4, 2004


That's not a real song, but it should be. If I were a better songwriter I'd write it.

I'm in a little better mood now than I have been. Maybe it's teh Diet Dr. Pepper? Such great stuff. It's more likely the fact that it's Thursday and I got to watch Survivor and The Apprentice. It may sound cheesy, but I love Thursday nights curled up on the couch with Misty watching reality TV. And anything that could put me in a better mood right now is much appreciated.

I'm also in a better mood than I was earlier today. Winston and I got to talking about these partisan hacks who are bitching and moaning about the election outcome.
I read some stuff today that royally pissed me off. I'm not what I would call a shill for the Republican party. I like President Bush, and I voted for him twice. (Not in the same election, that's illegal.) I'm tired of hearing things like: "Bush is an evil man." "Bush is a moron." "Bush is a liar." The headline of yesterday's Daily Mirror in the UK was "How can 59,087,524 be so dumb." Do I agree with everything Bush brings to the table? Hell no! I plan to write him a letter on Gay Marriage to let him know that not all of his supporters back his position. Why do I like and support the President? I have several reasons.

One, I support Bush because of tax cuts! I am paying signifigantly less taxes now than I did prior to 2001, and I'm making more money now! My witholdings haven't changed over teh years, but my refund has gone up (a decent amount) over the past 3 tax years. (I'll give you numbers if you'd like.) That's money in my pocket to use to support my family. It's also more money for me to contribute to organizations and causes I SELECT!

Which brings me to my reason #2. We don't need more government programs to take care of the needy. We need people to take care of the needy. Jesus didn't say "When I was hungry the government fed me using your tax dollars..." It's my job! God gives free will. We choose if we help others. Government programs take away that choice. That's why the Pres. pushed his "faith-based initiatives." Let people handle the people in need. Not bureaucrats. I also tend to lean toward the "teach a person to fish" opinion. Help is different than a hand-out. (Call me heartless if you like, but it's the truth as I see it.)

I support Bush because of stories like these:
And there are others. The cynic says they are political stunts, but I see a man showing compassion to others.

I support Bush because even though he attended Yale and Harvard, he still mispronounces nuclear! Does that make him a moron? No, it makes him human. He's as much a normal guy as he can be in his situation. But at the same time he obviously takes his job very seriously.

I have more reasons, those are just the most important to me (not necessarily in the order posted). You say he's a liar. You say he sent our troops to die for oil. You say he's evil. Where's your hard evidence? Above is my evidence that we are being lead by a very good president and a very good man. I don't believe the innuendo and half-truths of hateful people. I believe evidence I can see is true. I believe my experience.

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